Who we are

Círcle of Afrodescendant Youth

of the Americas

The CAYA was born as a result of the International Colloquium regarding "Challenges and Perspectives of the Afrodescendant Youth in the Americas", which took place in Brazil in April 2009, and was organized by the Brazilian organization UJIMA Collective Work and Responsibility. The need for a space for the political articulation of some 25 black youth organizations, from 12 countries of the American region, was identified; thus providing for a platform for the construction of joint strategies for the promotion of afrodescendant rights, particularly that of the youth, advocating for the strengthening of its capacities, political positioning and to foster the exchange of ideas, experiences and practices towards the development of this population.

CAYA's mission is the construction of an empowerment platform for young afrodescendant leaders, at the local, national and international levels; enabling participation in decision making and power-holding spaces at all levels, in order to combat racism, racial discrimination and overcoming historical inequalities that reflect current disparities in our societies.

CAYA's main objective is to generate a continued process of development and empowerment of afrodescendant communities and peoples throughout the Americas, having as a principle the strengthening of local and national processes, which also fosters regional and international articulations.

This development process implies the construction of a collective agenda based on different perspectives, such as a political and social perspective based on community and national processes; an international perspective relating international organisms, forums and mechanisms; and a cultural perspective based on the reaffirmation of the afrodescendant identity, in an ample sense, as well as a youth in the Americas


Africa and its Diaspora - ARGENTINA

Political Articulation of Black Youths - BRAZIL

Black Entities Collective - BRAZIL

Marias Feminist Collective - BRAZIL

Itá Iyalodê Collective - BRAZIL

Educafro - BRAZIL

National Forum of Black Youth - BRAZIL

Kilombagem Group - BRAZIL


Negras Ativas - BRAZIL

Parana Black Women Network - BRAZIL

UJIMA Collective Work and Responsibility - BRAZIL

Sankofa in Cypher - CANADA

National Institute for Racial Equality - COLOMBIA

Caribbean Project Association - COSTA RICA

Latin American and Caribbean Community Centre - UNITED STATES

Guatemalan Black Organization - GUATEMALA

Ethnic and Community Development Organization - HONDURAS

Afropanameña Soy - PANAMÁ

Panamanian Women Network - PANAMA

MAKUNGU for Development - PERU

Afro Dominican Alliance - DOMINICAN REPUBLIC

Socialist Youths - URUGUAY